With Australia at war in Vietnam in 1967, suddenly Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace — an event unparalleled in the history of western democracy. Police concluded accidental drowning. But at the height of Cold War paranoia, persistent doubts about his disappearance fuelled rumour and wild speculation. Why did Holt go into such violent surf that day? Had he chosen a bizarre way out of a difficult situation? Why were the police withholding crucial facts? What had they overlooked? Indeed, Holt left tantalising clues that were never examined at the time but challenge the official explanation.
This dramatised documentary exposes the Prime Minister’s secret world in the months before he disappeared, a world of betrayal, blackmail, political treachery, a poisonous feud, mounting physical and mental strain, and near-death experiences. Reconstructed from eyewitness accounts, the documentary also examines the political implications of the Prime Minister’s disappearance.
Winner 2008 Gold ACS Award for Cinematography (NSW) Calvin Gardiner ACS
Couch Potato Award, Sydney Morning Herald
“This remarkable story of betrayal, blackmail, political treachery, a poisonous feud, mounting physical and mental strain and near death experiences set in a time of Cold War paranoia and social upheaval will astonish even those familiar with the case.”
Pick Of The Day. Canberra Times
“This isn’t just about Holt’s disappearance. The great achievement here is that it brings to life the era, giving us all kinds of information about Australia in the 1960s, creating a detailed picture of the political times”
Melinda Houston, Sunday Age
“… a fabulous piece of political and social history. (Normie) Rowe is perfect as Holt, hale and statesmanly, with an old fox twinkle.”
Tim Elliot, Sydney Morning Herald
“(The Prime Minister is Missing) works best as a piece of political history, bolstered by its stylish re-enactments. Normie Rowe is superb as the affable Holt, a decent man out of his depth in more ways than one.”
Show of the week. Sydney Morning Herald
“The best historical documentaries will uncover something new and startling in a subject that has been examined countless times before and this excellent dramatic documentary goes a long way towards that.”
Daily Telegraph
“… evocative, cleverly constructed and weaves a convincing mix of blend and speculation.”
Kit Galer, Herald Sun